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Grupo Hiemesa está potenciando el desarrollo de su actividad en la distribución de productos siderúrgicos, para ello requiere de la incorporación de nuevos profesionales del sector para diferentes áreas de negocio:

  • Gestor grandes cuentas zona noroeste
  • Gestor chapa industrial zona centro y noroeste
  • Gestor grandes cuentas y transformación zona levante

Se precisa experiencia en ventas en el sector industrial, capacidad de gestión y estar acostumbrado/a a trabajar con objetivos. Se valorará experiencia en el sector de estructuras y naval.

Interesados por favor diríjanse a rrhh.tmartos@hiemesa.com.

Una respuesta a  “Ofertas laborales en Grupo Hiemesa | Ventas en el sector industrial”
  • Hari

    You are ttlaloy right.The ppermaed, overpaidl, secure workers are to blame.They must be transformed into tireless, industry soldiers and let those that cannot adapt starve!Let us do away with the commie values of guaranteed pay, leaves and 8-hours a day and protections of childhood and motherhood.The worker should devote all his or her waking hours for fulfilling the vision of the creative employer. The worker must be expendable, a living sacrifice to the vision and creativity of the employer. Let him or her be the living, breathing tool of the employer, let him suffice himself or herself to the bare necessities of life and even less.Let the Greek miracle happen, crush the looting classes into a disciplined workforce, let us do away with the commie ideal of society in 2012.Greed is good! Altruism is bad!

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